Apple and Colors, a Love Story.

Alen Begzic
2 min readApr 23, 2021

Apples latest event showed us more revolutionary items and gadgets and we heard a lot of things like, “This is the best *blank* ever in a Mac”. We saw Apple show us new iPads, Macs and the new Apple Tag.(I’ll stick with my Tile for now).But what all these new and amazingly revolutionary Apple gadgets have in common, is color.

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

Apple and color go all the way back to the beginning. Ah the good old days, where Steve was still around and calling people out on their shit. Steve was always 10 steps ahead and no one was ever close to him. He wasn't a good programmer, that was Wozniak, he wasn't a very nice people person and he wasn't even a good boss to most of his employees. But what made Steve become so original and innovative was because of his point of view. He would see things people would never know was ever in front of him, he never cared about being mainstream, he did drugs and listened to Lennon, he demanded excellence and he always got it. Steve knew what he was doing and we all followed his lead. So, in 1998, Steve released the iMac G3. It had a 15 inch display, 32 megabits of Ram, 4 gigabits of storage and it was for $1,300. But what really knocked off our socks, was that beautiful blue.

Why blue? What's the purpose of having color on a computer? Its very simple and it all goes back to the famous Jobs phrase, “Think Different”. Think different, be different, do different, whatever it is, do it differently! It was something so simple as color, is what made the iMac iconic since day one. People wanted the blue computer not the old box looking one. Did Steve knew what he was doing when he made it blue? You bet he did, and here we are over 20 years later and we are still adding color to our Macs. Its a little piece of history that stays with our Macs and I hope it continues to do so moving forward. Ill be getting my new iMac in blue.



Alen Begzic

Im Alen, UX designer, Tech lover and Crypto trader.